Holy Family Parish youth is active as always and enthusiaistically practice their youth ministry. This group of youngsters belonging to the age group of 15 years and above and 30 years and less, having received the sacrament of confirmation are all set to give witness to Jesus Christ in the society. The year is planned accordingly with different activities and formation sessions which are quite enriching and satisfying.
The first Sunday of the month is dedicated for youth meeting and following weeks of the month has a spiritual activity, formation session, social activity, friendship building activity. The Youth Choir is amazing with their voices and they sing for the Sunday masses and for the important occasions of the Church like Christmas and Easter.
Usually the year begins with a grand event called I.G.N.I.T.E. ( In God’s Name I Triumph Everyday) the youth members come together and the new members are formally welcomed in the association. The D.Y.C. ( Diocesan Youth Centre) team also collaborates in the formation of the youngsters and important topics like leadership, personality development and team building which will help to grow in this youth ministry are planned.
In order to plan each of these activities, the youth is under the guidance of an animator Fr. Boris Dias. Our Parish Priest Fr. Caetano Fernandes has always been a source of undying encouragement and support in all that we do.
The Ex-Co committee and choir committee for this year’s term 2024 – 2025.
- Co-ordinator: Mr. Mario Alvares
- Vice Co-ordinator: Ms. Andrea Menezes
- Secretary: Mr. Weinshel Barretto
- Asst. Secretary: Ms. Xionara Fernandes
- Treasurer: Ms. Elisa Micheal
- Asst. Treasurer: Mr. Stephen Lobo