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Church Announcements – 05/01/2020
- Next Sunday’s mass co-ordination by Christian Family Movement. Gordon to co-ordinate.
- Today, Sunday, 5th January, 2020, the Church celebrates the feast of the Epiphany of the Lord. May this feast infuse in us a greater urge to proclaim Christ-the Light of our lives, with joy in our hearts.
- Next Sunday, 12th January, 2020. 52 of our parish children will be receiving their First Holy Communion at the 9.15 a.m. mass. Let us in a special way pray for these children that they may grow and glow in the love of Jesus whom they will be receiving in their hearts for the very first time.
- Children receiving 1st Holy Communion are required to attend special class, today 5th January, Sunday for rehearsals from 10.15 to 11.45 am.
- The monthly PPC meeting for the month of January will be held on Monday (06th January 2020) at 7.00 p.m. in the Church hall.
- Communion to the sick & homebound will be brought on Monday (06th Jan 2020) in Zone I; on Tuesday (07th Jan 2020) in Zones 2 & 3; on Friday (10th Jan 2020) in Zones 4, 5 & 6; on Saturday (11th Jan 2020) in Zone 7, 8 & 9.
- Our parish feast of the Holy Family will be celebrated on 26th January 2020. As was done in the previous years, we shall be having special collections on 2 consecutive weekends beginning next weekend 11th/ 12th & on 18th /19th in order to defray the cost incurred for the novenas and feast. Parishioners desiring to offer novena mass intentions are welcome to do so at the earliest.
- Those children wishing to sing as Angels during the novenas should give their names latest by Sunday 12th January 2020 in the church office. The rehearsals will begin from 13th January, Monday from 6.00 p.m. to 6.30 p.m.
- The feast of St. Joseph Vaz, patron of our Archdiocese will be celebrated on 16th January, 2020. Our Deanery of Mapusa has been allotted the novena mass at the new venue – old Church of Our Lady of Health, Sancoale, on 7th January (Tuesday) at 4.00 p.m. Bus will leave at 2.00pm from the church compound. Parishioners are encouraged to participate in this Deanery pilgrimage and mass in large numbers. For details of the novena & feast programme kindly refer to the notice board.
Fr. Caetano Fernandes
Parish Priest