
  1. Today the church celebrates the feast of the ‘Epiphany of the Lord’.
  2. There will be Pilgrimage leaving for Sancoale on10th January. Parishioners interested, please register your names in the Church office latest by January 6, so that we arrange transport accordingly. Bus will leave from Church premises at 2.30 p.m.
  3. .The Sacrament of First Holy Communion will be on 12th January 2025 at 9.30 am. Let us pray for our children who will receive Jesus for the first time.
  4. Our Parish feast of the Holy Family will be celebrated on January 26 2025. As was done in the previous years, we shall be having special collection for 2 consecutive weekends beginning next weekend 11th/12th & 18th/19th in order to defray the cost incurred for the novenas and feast. Parishioners desiring to offer Novena mass intentions are welcome to do so at the earliest in the church office.
  5. Children wishing to sing as Angels during the novenas should give their names latest by 10th January in the church office. Practices will start from 13th January.
  6. Parish pastoral council will meet on Monday 6th January at 7.00 p.m.
  7. There is a notice from the Village Panchayat Socorro. For details kindly refer to the notice board

Thank you and God bless.

Fr. Caetano Fernandes
Parish Priest
