
  1. The Solemn mass and procession of Our Lady of Fatima will be today evening at 6:30 p.m. All parishioners are requested to take part in the Holy mass and procession. Kindly get along with you candles and lanterns.
  2. 20th October, next Sunday, will be celebrated as World Mission Day. Mission Calendars together with envelopes for contribution are sent to families of our parish through the ward representatives. Let us support the missionary work. Cheques, if any, may be given in the name of Pontifical Mission Organizations and dropped in the church office or in the Sunday collection.
  3. Due to the shortage of Niches in the Holy Family Church Cemetery, we have sought permission to build a few niches. The niches are only for the Parishioners. Those who wish to buy the Niches, kindly contact the Parish office and do the payment. The cost of the work will be covered by sale of the niches and generous donation of the people. The cost of a niche is Rs.25,000/-. Please note that only one niche will be allotted to each family from our parish.

Thank you and God bless.

Fr. Caetano Fernandes

Parish Priest
